Tips on How You Can Maintain Top Security on Your Android

As per the CEO of Apple, 99% of the Androids are infected by malware and iOS phones are far ahead in security compared to those Android smartphones and tabs. Being unbiased about the comment of Tim Cook, we would say, one must take necessary steps to keep their high end mobiles safe from malwares and other malicious programs.

What basic step should we follow

The modern trend in securing mobile data is containerization of data which is nothing but separating different types of data. You can do it by some useful mobile apps; however; your mobile should have a system where you can keep your personal and business or office data separately which will simplify the securing process. Here are some tips suggested by some of the best software company.

Data Encryption

Every advance mobile today has an option to encrypt your data by password protecting all your data. Any person who wants to access the information or the data must have to provide the correct password.

Protection from Malwares

Android mobiles are most vulnerable for malwares and they must be highly protected by some strong malware removers. Download mobile apps only from trusted sites and scan all your data regularly.

Mobile Apps Market

Mobile Apps Market

No Useless Data Transfer

Often we receive files from our friends through Bluetooth or computer among which most of these transfers are just for fun. Change this habit! If it’s not too urgent, don’t turn on your Bluetooth or wifi – especially when you don’t have an antivirus installed in your mobile. The rule becomes even stricter when it comes to transferring mobile apps. If you liked the app, just go to the internet and download it from the store or any trustworthy site.

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